Course Instructions

AI-Generated Transcript

Well, just before you jump in, I want to talk a little bit about assumptions and that a few helps that you can get along the way as you work through the course.

First of all, my assumptions are that you have a basic understanding of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Now, where possible, I'm going to try to provide a lot of the CSS for you and even provide links to the JavaScript where you might need it. That way, we can focus, again, on the core experience of Astro. Occasionally, I will dip into some UI frameworks just to show you how those work, like React. We'll also be using TypeScript mainly just to get some type safety and helps as you use components, so nothing really complex with TypeScript.

But if you have a basic understanding of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, then we're starting with the same foundation. Secondly, as you work through the course, each lesson with an associated branch in GitHub will be linked below the lesson. You can also just go to the course files on my GitHub, find the lesson that you need, and then download that code. So by doing that, you'll be able to sync with whatever I've done at the end of that lesson. If you have any questions, you can always reach out on the Discord, which you'll find in the next section of the course.

You can, of course, just simply ask questions and interact with the community there. If, however, you find something in the course that's no longer up to date with Astro, I'm trying to keep things up to date, but I can't rewatch my course every time something comes out. So if you find something that you don't think matches what's currently available in Astro, if you could just find the needs updating channel and add a comment there, that will allow me to update the video as I'm able. My goal is to keep this thing is up to date as possible as Astro continues to progress, even adding new modules as I'm able to. Well, thanks so much.

I can't wait to see how this helps you learn Astro, and I'll catch you in the next video. 

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